Pearly Whites Plus

We understand that trying to find a nearby dentist you can trust is difficult, that is why we make it easy for you to work with us.

(705) 531-7587

61 Rea Street South, Timmins


Periodontal Disease

Regular teeth cleanings are a vital part of our overall health. At Pearly Whites Plus we help you maintain healthy teeth and gums to prevent periodontal (gum) disease. For patients that have developed this disease, we provide treatment and expert advice to prevent the progression. If a referral to a Periodontist is required, we will send all of the necessary documents and supporting evidence to a local periodontist who is available to see you.

Dry Mouth

Many patients that need chemo or radiation therapy, or who take certain types of medication, can face saliva reduction, which contributes to higher acidity and bacteria levels, and can increase your chances of tooth decay. For these patients, we recommended fluoride trays. Our dental hygiene clinic fabricates custom trays and provides you with fluoride gel to help prevent the adverse affects of dry mouth.

Oral Cancer Screening

An oral cancer screening is a routine examination that is done at each dental hygiene visit. We educate our patients about the importance of following up with a dentist and medical doctor for any visual lesions, lumps, or bumps that may be observed during the screening.

The first step in screening for oral cancer is the completion of the patient’s history, which includes a review of:

  • General health history, including a list of current medications and medication allergies.
  • Oral and lifestyle habits, with reference to quantity, frequency, and duration of tobacco use and alcohol consumption.
  • Symptoms of oral pain or discomfort.

Extraoral examination:

  • Inspect the head and neck region for asymmetry, tenderness, or swelling.
  • Palpate the submandibular, neck, and supraclavicular regions for lymph nodes, paying close attention to size, number, tenderness, and mobility.
  • Inspect and palpate the lips and perioral tissues for abnormalities.

Intraoral examination:

  • Systematically inspect and palpate all oral soft tissues, paying close attention to the high-risk sites for the development of oral cancer including the lateral and ventral aspects of the tongue, floor of the mouth, and the soft palate complex.
Non-Radiation Digital Imaging

DEXIS CariVu is the newest form in digital imaging. It provides patients with a safe and complete oral impression without the use of radiation. The use of DEXIS CariVu is also non-invasive and quite simple. The technology allows our patients to be in-and-out of the office in a few short minutes. This piece of equipment is environmentally friendly too, meaning no more films, chemicals, or disposals of molds. We receive instant digital images of your full mouth which helps speed along your treatment plans. Experience the joys of living in the digital age.

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