Pearly Whites Plus

We understand that trying to find a nearby dentist you can trust is difficult, that is why we make it easy for you to work with us.

(705) 531-7587

61 Rea Street South, Timmins


Traumatic Dental Injuries - A knocked-out tooth requires quick thinking and immediate action. You will increase your chances that the tooth can be saved if you pick it up without touching the root, gently clean it off with water, and place it back in its socket, facing the correct way. Hold it in place with gentle pressure as you make your way to our clinic or your local emergency room. If you cannot replant it immediately, tuck it between your cheek and gum, or carry it in a container of cold milk.

Gum Injuries - Injuries and infections involving the soft tissues of our mouths may also require emergency treatment. The tissues of your gums, tongue, or cheek lining can be injured by accidental bites, falls, sports injuries, and scalding liquids. You may also suffer injury from foreign bodies that become lodged below the gumline and can develop painful and potentially serious abscesses. A periodontal (gum) abscess is a pus-filled sac caused by an infection and is usually quite painful. Abscesses require immediate attention.

A foreign body lodged beneath the gumline can sometimes be gently worked out with dental floss or a toothpick. But if this cannot be accomplished easily, please make an appointment.

Orthodontic Emergencies - Although there can be discomfort associated with orthodontic treatment, there are only a few true orthodontic emergencies. Infection or swelling of the gums, mouth or face, and severe, unmanageable discomfort or pain in these areas can be an orthodontic emergency. In any of these situations, seek immediate care or visit the emergency room — whichever is your best option. For loose, broken, or irritating pieces of orthodontic hardware, please call our office to schedule an appointment if you cannot access a convenient appointment time with your dentist or orthodontist.

Broken Tooth or Loss of Filling/Restoration - If this occurs, it should be treated right away and should not wait. We understand that some dental clinics are busy and won't be able to see you for a few days, or even a few weeks. Please call our office to book an appointment as we may be able to see you the same day you call. We will assess and possibly place a temporary filling to alleviate discomfort and to keep your tooth intact until you see your dentist for a permanent restoration.

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